Can I share a streaming video with my students via Zoom?


Sharing streaming videos via screenshare in Zoom is supported in the following scenarios:

  1. In a for-credit course in which the video satisfies a learning objective and the platform states that this a valid use of the license
  2. In a non-credit campus activity when the video includes public performance rights and no admission is charged

At the IU Kokomo Library, we have access to two streaming video platforms that include public performance rights (as long as no admission is charged):

We also subscribe to streaming video platforms that explicitly prohibit streaming via Zoom (but can still be viewed by multiple users simultaneously):

Most popular streaming services (including Netflix and Prime Video) prohibit streaming via Zoom. One non-library option to explore is Scener, a Chrome extension that allows users to synchronously stream video from Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, HBO Max, and more. However, all users must have subscriptions with the service, so you will want to check with your students before assigning this option.

Streaming a DVD requires public performance rights, and, even if so, you will want to test your media player and Zoom to confirm that the share screen option will also effectively share the video.

The most fair use-friendly approach is to provide the video link to all students and either watch asynchronously or agree to all press play at the same time. While this option might seem awkward at first, many students are already used to doing this with friends. 

Please feel welcome to explore our available streaming titles in IUCAT or Databases A-Z. You can also request that the library purchase licenses to stream videos with this request form.

For more information on acquiring, locating, and sharing streaming videos, please contact your liaison librarian

  • Last Updated Feb 06, 2023
  • Views 9681
  • Answered By IU Kokomo Library

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